Studio Policies

Tuition may be paid by cash, check payable to DANCE CENTRE, credit/debit cards, or Auto Pay through our studio management software. Tuition is due on the 1st of the month. A late fee will be added to your tuition is it is not paid by the 15th of the month.
All tuition is priced annually for a 10 month dance season (September to June). You have your choice of an Annual payment with a 5% discount or Monthly installments. On May 1 you will be billed for both May and June, as we approach the end of the season.
AutoPay is encouraged for all online registration.
AutoPay will run on the 1st of each month. You may pay your tuition by cash, check or alternate credit card in advance of the 1st to avoid AutoPay charges to your card.
There will be a service fee of $30 for any returned check or failed debit transaction. Upon a second episode ONLY cash will be accepted. Any student owing more than two months tuition will not be able to participate in class or private lessons. All uncollected fees will be turned over to a collections agency and incur a 30% collections fee.
There is an annual registration fee of $25 per student, with a maximum of $75 per family.
Students may enroll at any time of the year; tuition will be pro-rated.
There are no reductions for holidays or missed classes. Missed classes can be made up within two months of the day of absence. Please notify the studio about absences and to schedule make-ups. At the Director’s discretion, a student may be asked not to participate in the recital if they have excessive absences. There are no refunds or transfers of money once it has been paid. Classes missed after May 1st cannot be made up prior to recital. Please see the receptionist to schedule a make-up class during our summer session.
The school is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students or their siblings. Students are not to be left at school for excessive time periods before or after their classes. Siblings must be in the care of a parent at all times. Please know that in the case of a fire or other emergency, our staff can only be accountable for students participating in a class and recorded in the attendance roster. Young students should be escorted to and from the building.
Upon registration you are hereby acknowledging your child is physically able to participate in strenuous activity and have consulted your physician if necessary. Parents, legal guardians of minors, students and adult students waive the right to any legal action for any injury sustained on school property resulting from normal dance activity or any other activity conducted by the students before, during, or after class time.
If you have any questions or concerns, we urge you to call and make an appointment to discuss it with us.
Proper clothing and shoes must be worn in all classes. No sweatshirts or other baggy clothing can be worn at anytime. For safety reasons, no jewelry is permitted in class. A student may be asked not to participate in class if not properly prepared. For more information, please visit our Proper Attire page.
As a registered student, you are granting permission for Dance Centre to take photos and/or videos of the students to use for brochures, websites, posters, advertisements and other promotional material the school creates. Permission is also granted for the school to copyright such photographs/videos in its name.
An annual recital will be held at the close of the school year. Participation is voluntary. Our recital offers the student a chance to display their achievements over the past 10 months. Important information regarding this show will be posted in the studio, and on the Recital page. Your account must be up-to-date in order for your child to participate in the June Recital.
Scheduled studio closures will be posted in September. When available, a list of scheduled closings can be found on our Important Dates page. If we are forced to close due to bad weather, it is suggested you check our Facebook page or website. The studio will also send out an email.
Your costume deposit of $65 per costume, is due by November 15th. All remaining balances, including shipping and handling fees, are due by February 15th. Once a costume is ordered, the balance must be paid whether or not the student continues classes or participates in the recital.
Proper placement in dance classes will be enforced. A student will be placed in the proper class during the month of September. Placement will be solely at the discretion of the Director and teachers. Students that have previous training will be evaluated and placed in a class with other students who have achieved the same level of technique. A class may be canceled if enrollment falls below six students. Age requirements for classes are as of September of the upcoming dance year.
Many of our dancers spend several hours at the Dance Centre each week; they consider it their home away from home. Please treat our studios with care.
While our studios are professionally cleaned bi-weekly, our Dance Centre family can help us keep it clean by following a few rules:
No pets (except service animals) are allowed in the studios. Many students and staff have allergies to animals.
No food or drink (other than water) in dance class spaces.
Please place trash in the proper receptacles.
No gum, anywhere, ever.
Students not participating in a class should always be supervised, as well as their siblings.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.